The TIMBUKTU CHALLENGE 2015 ............................................
Raising funds for Stapely Nursing Home and Hospital and MJCC ..............


In January 2015 two intrepid adventurers headed off by car to Africa to take part in the 2015 Timbuktu Challenge and whilst doing they raised money for charities both here in Liverpool and also in Africa.

The nominated charities in Liverpool were Stapely Nursing Home and Hospital and Merseyside Jewish Community Care (MJCC).

In Africa the charity "S.O.S. Enfants", in Mauritania, received the proceeds from the sale of our car at the end of the journey. Unfotunately, due to a mechanical problem and the non-availability of Renault parts in Mauritania, we had to abandon the challenge two days early, in Nouakchott.

  Route Map

The car we drove was my 1995 Renault Espace Champs Elysees,
which I had owned and driven from new.

The three week Timbuktu Challenge leaves the UK every winter and  after a drive across Europe to Southern Spain, the route heads South through Morocco, Western Sahara, and on through the Sahara Desert into Mauritania.

After the Sahara Desert crossing the route heads inland to Mali, eventually arriving in Bamako. Unfortunately due to the security situation in North Eastern Mali, the cars are not able to go all the way to Timbuktu, so Bamako is where the Challenge officially finishes.




We paid for all our own travel costs and expenses, so all of funds raised went to the nominated charites.  

We would like to thank everybody for their kind generosity. When our donation pages closed on 12th May 2015, the combined total raised for the two charites from both online and direct donations was in excess of

Steven Abrams  & Jeff Shulkind